Universal API is…

An API that aggregates content from multiple sources including GDS, low cost-carriers and high speed rail operators.

For developers, Universal API means an end to managing and maintaining multiple APIs. You’ll have less code to write and more time to spend on your other responsibilities.

The goal…

These tutorials provided step-by-step instructions to help you connect to the universal API and code a standard workflow in Java and PHP.


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##Java Tutorial

Unit 1

Unit1 teaches you how to setup and configure Travelport Universal API and how to send basic requests. After you complete this section, you can request Air and Rail travel information such as schedules, availability and pricing.

Lesson 1: Setting up Travelport Universal API;

Lesson 2: Basic air travel requests

Lesson 3: Advanced travel shopping

Unit 2

Unit 2 searches for a hotel using city and reference points and complete a booking for a passenger. After finishing Unit 2, you have the building blocks for a flight and hotel booking application.

Lesson 4: Searching for Hotels

Lesson 5: Booking Air Or Hotels

##PHP Tutorial


The Air unit teaches you how to setup and configure Travelport Universal API and how to send basic requests. After you complete this section, you can request air travel information, such as schedules, availability, and pricing.

Lesson 1: Searching for Flights


The Hotel unit teaches you how to send basic requests for hotel information, such as availability and pricing, and how to book a hotel.

Lesson 2: Searching for Hotels, Booking Hotels


The Vehicle unit teaches you how to send basic requests for vehicle information, such as availability, vehicle type, and pricing.

Lesson 3: Searching for Vehicle